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Technology is omnipresent in our lives. Before leaving the house, we check on our smartphone when the next bus will be going. In front of the television, we comment on our friend’s Facebook page. Even in a club we use an app to find out which song is just played. But how about the classical chat between two individuals?

Being students from ESCP Europe Business School, we want to explore the possible effects of technology usage on our social interaction. As part of our entrepreneurial classes, we carried out a barter where we actually had to interact with people from Madrid. Our first observations inspired us to perform a play during the event “Nuevo Madrid” at Casa de Velázquez.

Our next step will be the host of our own event. Involving people from the beginning, our objective is to continue our observations. What kind of relationship do human beings have with their technical devices? Are these enhancing or preventing social interactions? By remaining an element of art, we would like to bring you together for a unique experience..

What is it about?

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